the river


the river © scott morgan 2013

A large new work by Scott Morgan was painted with great difficulty from his prone position in bed using new large scale Arches watercolor paper sent to him by his lifelong friend artist Dan Rizzie and sable brushes sent by furniture designer friend John Strauss.  This expansive painting was painted within very confined circumstances. Imagine if you will that you have only seen the interior of the same four walls for 6.5 weeks and have not been able to sit up or get out of bed. You are lying there with your head bolstered on a pillow and your arms and legs—and more importantly for this project, your hands—are stiff and cold without any flesh buffering your fingers as they try to hold down the paper and grasp the brush to keep it steady. Then imagine applying water-color hues to the paper so that it lands where you want it and doesn’t run down where you don’t. You might even nod off halfway through a brush stroke because 1) you haven’t eaten anything solid in quite awhile and 2) you are on 3 types of opiates and 3) you weigh only 30 kilos now. Your vital signs are weak but your determination to create art is still strong. There is a river outside Scott’s window where the confluence of the Arabian sea meets it.  Dan Rizzie wrote to me that this painting is a metaphor for Scott’s journey. What do you think?

9 thoughts on “the river

  1. Katy – this is quite beautiful and all the more astonishing based on Scott’s situation. The fact that he still paints sunshine and the works exudes optimism is wonderful. Andy

    Andy Thornton LaDIFFERENCE International Furnishings 125 South 14th Street Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 648-6210 (804) 648-1409 Fax “Located in the heart of Richmond’s Shockoe Design District”


  2. The confluence of two different skies, and river running underneath and the remarkable beauty inherent in the work despite the great difficulty Scott has in making it is a testimony to his heart, talent and the power of art. Andy said it: “Astonishing”


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